
Family Bloopers

People just assume that because I am a photographer I have 100’s of amazing pictures of my own children. It is only partly true. I do have lots of great pictures of my family, especially my boys, but I also have a lot of outtakes. Their patience with my desire to take their picture is very limited. Usually after the 1st or 2nd click they are ready to be done.

So enjoy a few outtakes of my boys and come back on Monday to see outtakes from 2013 sessions. You never know, you just might be in one of them!

Yes, as a Mother this picture makes me really proud!

It was the smoke it their eyes that was the problem not me, right?


This this his world famous fake smile. He really has your believing it’s real doesn’t he.

Merry Christmas Mom!

Oh you didn’t like my smile. Is this better?

Don’t forget to come back on Monday Morning and see my favorite outtakes from my 2013 sessions!

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