
Happy Birthday Eli James

5 years ago I became a Mom.

It has been the fastest 5 years of my life. Yet when I think back about how young I was it seems a lifetime ago.

From the very beginning he was an easy going baby. He didn’t cry like most babies do. He just opened his big blue eyes and looked around, taking it all in. He still loves to take it all in, making sure he has plenty of time to think about things before making a choice.

He has always been a sweet, loving boy. He is very cautious, but loves an adventure.  He love to laugh and be silly, but hates being tickled. He loves to play sports and video games but also loves to color and sing. He dreams of growing up to be a football player and a dentist. He is a great friend, especially to his little brother.  He constant companion is a stuffed Bison. He has a sensitive heart and loves no one more than his Dad.

I am honestly not sure where time has gone. I blinked and it seems like he is practically ready to move out.

There is nothing that I would change about this amazing boy. I am truly blessed to be his Mom.


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