Moving back to where I grew up has been kind of a strange thing. Somehow all the people I grew up with all became adults too, and here we are doing adult things together! Our realtor is a friend I met in Middle school. The reading teacher at my boys school I met in 3rd or 4th grade. Jenni does my hair, and we met in Elementary school too. I love that some things changed while I was away but many things stayed the same. It has been wonderful to have so many wonderful friends to come back to.
My family went so Spokane so I could take pictures for Jenni and her sweet kiddos. A perk of doing pictures for friends is we ended the night with ice cream while all the kids played. Their house is the perfect location for pictures but especially family pictures where kids can run an play. The warm sunset was the delicious kind of light that every photographer lives for. The boys weren’t as excited for pictures as little Greta. I tried talking her into coming home with me but apparently she’s pretty fond of her Mom. But she did invite me over to play again soon.