
Carter & Addison at 3 months

It is hard to believe that Carter and Addison are  already 3 months. I love that I get to watch these two grow up. I love seeing their personalities grow and develop. It was funny how the tables turned in the last 3 months. At their newborn session Carter was a tough cookie, this time the...


Taking Linden’s newborn pictures I felt like I was having a glimpse into my future. Already having 2 boys I feel like it is inevitable that we will only have boys from here on out.  When the time comes to have another baby I will be in complete shock if an ultrasound say girl, I...


Zoey has the most infection smile. A smile that will light up a whole room. She was such a great baby to work with; sweet, snuggly and full of those precious smiles. I loved spending the morning with Zoey and her family. Her Mom is friends with one of my favorite clients, Rilla. I love...

The Ramirez Twins

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting 2 sweet little girls, Liliah and Elena. These sweet twins were born several weeks early because of complications. They have been in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for over a month.  There was also almost 2 weeks were they were there alone. There parents and sister were...


Brianna’s Mom has been anxiously waiting to meet her perfect little girl.  When Brianna’s parents found out that she had down syndrome there was a flood of so many emotions. But in the end it was excitement to meet their daughter that trumped any other feelings that they had. Every parent loves their newborn, but...

Twins Addison & Carter

I am beyond excited to share Addison and Carter’s newborn pictures! When their Mom contacted me weeks ago about doing their newborn pictures I was over the moon excited. Everything was planned for their arrival and as twins often do, they arrived a little sooner than expected. When their Mom called me on the morning...


I have been waiting to meet little Evelyn since her Mom’s amazing maternity session. I was so excited for Evie’s newborn session that I forgot my wallet, because I was so excited to get there. Daddy Mick was at work, so Hillary and I played dress up all morning. I felt like I was in...

Izabel, the Baby who Wouldn’t Sleep!

During the beginning of our session I bragged about how I could put any baby to sleep. How with just a little of my magic she would be off to dream land. As the session went on and it was apparent that she was not going to fall asleep. We joked that I would name...


The anticipation of waiting for a baby is sometimes painfully long. That was the case with sweet Londyn. She arrived 2 weeks and a few minutes past her due date.  It may have been a long wait, but this adorable little girl was worth it. It is a strange thing, but even with a tiny...

What I Love About Newborn Photography

I didn’t always plan that I would end up in newborn photography. Growing up I was obsessed with weddings. And if I would to have made a guess, there was no doubt that I would have picked wedding photography.  But newborn photography just kind of happened to me, and I have loved it from the...

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