Sometimes I feel like my family will be stuck in dental school forever. The time our little family has been going to school chasing that dream seems like an eternity. Will’s Dad is 2 years ahead of Dan in dental school. And when we moved in Will’s Mom, Allison, told me that it would be over before I knew it. I remember thinking to myself, ” Bless her heart, but doesn’t she know we are going to be here forever?” Well Allison was more right than I knew. Time in dental school is like raising children, the days are long but the years are short. I have been so grateful for the wonderful friendship that we have gotten from this amazing family. After graduation in June their family will be off to new adventures in Texas, and I am heartbroken that it is already time for them to leave. Hopefully in the fall a new dental school family at the beginning of their journey will move in and I can be the one to tell them it will be over before they know it, because it will.
But they haven’t moved yet and I will keep taking as many cute pictures of their kids as I can while they still live here! It’s hard to believe that will is almost 4 months old already. The days are long but the years are short, especially the very first year!
Will has the most amazing eye lashes. It is hard to believe that his longer newborn lashes have fallen out!
Beautiful big sister Ava was happy to jump in front of the camera and show me her ballet.
The first picture I took of them together was such a struggle. Ava was a little unsure if she wanted a baby around but over the last few months these few have grown to be best friends.