When Ann Marie and Stella showed up for our tea party pictures the words burst from her mouth the moment she saw me.
“Hi, I’m pregnant!”
It’s funny how things work out because almost 1 year earlier I had told Ann Marie that I had just found out I was pregnant, even though I had just met her doing Stella’s newborn pictures. We are fast friends who are in the business of keeping baby secrets.
I couldn’t be more exited for Ann Marie, Tim and big sister Stella. I love their attitude of celebrating this pregnancy as much as the first pregnancy. I really struggled during Jackson’s pregnancy to enjoy and celebrate it, and I really regret that. So in celebrating this new baby we put together a pregnancy announcement photoshoot. We went to Gas Works park where they did their pregnancy announcement pictures for Stella’s pregnancy. We also did a little “eating for 2 picnic”. I love this family so much. I could have stayed at Gas Works with the music video crew, bridal party and tourists and taken pictures of them all day.
Congratulations Alton family. I cannot wait to meet this little peanut. They couldn’t have picked a better family!