Brianna’s Mom has been anxiously waiting to meet her perfect little girl. When Brianna’s parents found out that she had down syndrome there was a flood of so many emotions. But in the end it was excitement to meet their daughter that trumped any other feelings that they had.
Every parent loves their newborn, but there is something very special about the love that Rilla and Brent have for Brianna. They have pure, unconditional love for her. They know that she is a very important part of their family. Even though she has Down Syndrome and other health problems that come with that, they wouldn’t change anything about her. Because if they changed any of those things she wouldn’t be the sweet little girl that they love. Brianna so lucky to have been born into such a wonderful family.
This is my favorite pictures of Brianna by herself! Absolutely stunning!
Brooke is such a sweet big sister. These two a destined to be best friends.
Where is Briana’s nose?
Stunning pictures that capture Rilla’s beautiful love for daughter. There is nothing like a Mother’s love!