The week before Thanksgiving Logan was involved in an accident while we were picking Eli up from school. We aren’t sure exactly what happened but his chin and lip were cut up very badly. He also hit his front right tooth, pushing it back pretty far into his mouth.
We spent almost 5 hours that night in the ER where they cleaned up his wounds and glued his face back together. The next morning we went to our Pediatric Dentist where they x-rayed his mouth and found that his tooth was broken at the root. It was heartbreaking to see the picture of his broken tooth. Let me tell you, falling and knocking out teeth is my worst nightmare!
We scheduled to have his broken tooth pulled out after Thanksgiving. Every single day I cried and felt horrible that he was going to lose his tooth. It will be 3-4 years until his permanent teeth grow in and that felt like so long for him to be without his tooth.
Yesterday morning with all of my courage I took Logan back to the Dentist to have his tooth pulled. Logan was really anxious about what was going to happen, and to be honest so was I. As he was being prepped Dr. Jared came and looked at the x-rays again and wiggled his teeth. Surprisingly his tooth was no longer wiggly. Another set of x-rays was ordered and to the surprise of everyone the fracture was no longer visible. Even more x-rays were done and none of them showed a fracture!
Teeth fractures do not heal! They are not like bones, teeth do not heal! There really is no explanation for what happened, except that it was a miracle. We feel so blessed that Logan still has his tooth. Hopefully it is just the first of many Christmas miracles that we see this year!