I always wonder why and how people end up in certain places in their lives. I love to know the story of their lives and how their lives have flowed How did you end up living here? Why is so and so doing that job? How in the world did those 2 people end up together?
So I am going to share with you a little about my journey in life. Let me take you back a little, let’s say 4 years….
We had just had our first sweet little boy. We were so happy. My Husband worked in IT and I was lucky enough to get to stay home with our sweet little Eli. Then one day my Husband came home and shared some new with me that would rock my world, he hated his job! He had been at his first real job after graduation for just over a year, and he had spent much of that first year trying to find something he liked about his job. After much thought and research he had decided that he wanted to become a Doctor, a Dentist specifically. I was in complete shock. Working with computers and being a Dentist have nothing in common. But I could see in his face that the thought of spending the rest of his life in his current job was so overwhelming and depressing. So we did what was best of my Husband and in the long run for our family and jumped right in.
He thought he had about 2 years worth of prerequisites to complete. So he stared working full time during the day and going to school in the evenings. Because he was taking classes in the evening things took a little longer than planned. 1 year, 2 years and then we welcomed our 2nd son,Logan, who just happened to be born the same day as one of my Husbands finals.
We continued to work toward our goal of Dental School. 3 years passed. And then something happened. This little guy got sick, really sick.
We found out that he had allergy problems, really bad allergies. He has a disease that reacts to his allergies and instead of attacking the food he is allergic to his body attacks it’s self. So there I was in the middle of spending all of my days and most of my nights taking care of my little boys by myself and now Logan needed extra help. I was overwhelmed. We faced the future knowing that the rest of Logan’s life would require allergy testing, surgery and a very strict diet. I was so overwhelmed and felt so helpless.
As the cost of Logan’s very strict new diet continued to rise I kept thinking about our dental school dream. Hopefully the next year we would be starting dental school, and then we would be left without an income. Logan’s diagnosis was like a call to action. I decided that I was finally going to take my photography hobby to a photography business. I needed to be proactive about helping to provide for him. And I haven’t looked back since. I loved the freedom and creativity of having my photography business. I’m not able to provide for all of our needs, but I am able to help and that makes me feel better. I was doing something that I loved to help the people that I loved. These boys needed me, and I needed photography to be a better Mom.
Today is my Husband’s last day of work at his IT job. He is starting Dental School at the University of Washington next week, 4 years later!
I am so proud of him, of our whole family actually. WE MADE IT! By being brave and pursuing his dreams he made it possible for me to achieve mine.
I can’t wait to see what the next 4 years will bring for our family and this business I love so much!