It is truly amazing that just 365 days can change a person so much. Ava’s first year has just flown by. It went by so quickly, but in that short amount of time she changed so much. She was a tiny little baby with dark hair and now she is a blonde haired little lady. Her personality has blossomed and she is full of happiness and a little bit of drama.
1st Birthday’s are always a little bittersweet. We are so happy to celebrate how far they have come, but a little sad that they are no longer little baby’s. At Ava’s session we talked about how quickly life changes. My little family will finish school and move next year. Just like a baby’s first year, that time will fly by and before we know it everything will be different. Remember, the trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead. Enjoy the moments are you living in.