
James |

Sweet little Emma is over the moon excited about her new brother James. She was so proud to show him to me, anxious to have her picture taken with him and stole kisses from him any chance that she got. I read somewhere that the greatest gift you can give a child is a sibling...

Robert |

I sometimes forget what a special job I have. It is hard to believe that I get to snuggle and love on sweet newborn babies on the regular. There anything more delicious than a sweet little newborn. The “ideal” newborn session is done with a very sleepy baby. But even when the newborn has no...

Garrett | Newborn

It is hard to believe that this is my last newborn session of 2014! I limited the number of sessions I took on during December so I could spend more time with my family. This little guys was due in November, but he was in no hurry to get here. His Mom wanted to try...

Jaslynn | Newborn

Jaslynn is a beautiful baby of many names. When her Mom first contacted me about doing her newborn months ago she told me they were going to name her Tiffany. When she came in for her session to my surprise they hadn’t named her Tiffany. Apparently they had really struggled with what to name her....

Will | Newborn

I couldn’t be more excited for Will’s arrival into the world. It is always extra special when the newborn I photograph is part of a family that you love. His family was the very first family that we met when we moved up to Seattle for Dental School. Will’s Dad is also in Dental school,...

Madison | Newborn

I have been waiting for adorable little Madison’s arrival since August. I love it when parents contact me early before baby is due to arrive. I am able to order special props to coordinate with the theme of babies room. I had been eyeing this adorable gray heart fabric for a while, and when I...

Yo Yo | Newborn

As I ventured to Bellevue for YoYo’s newborn session I was so excited to meet him. I spend most of September getting my family back into the swing of back to school, and it had been a few weeks since I had done a newborn session. I am always full of excitement before a newborn...


Adorable Henry has been welcomed into one of the happiest families I know. It seems so hard to believe that I knew his parents before they were parents. Time goes by so quickly! Henry is weeks older than when I normally do newborn sessions, but he was so good. And I absolutely loved all of...

Kalden | Newborn

Little Kalden is a perfect mix of his Mom and Dad, and a perfect mix of cultures. I was surprised that at over 3 weeks old he was still so tiny and sweet.  At 3 weeks old he spent more of his session awake than a smaller newborn, but in the end he cuddled up...


When Stella’s Mom email me about newborn pictures I loved how she gushed about her daughter. Ann Marie was over the moon in love with her new daughter and it showed in every word she spoke.  Every additional email was even more adoring and to my shock every email she told me that she just...

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