Sweet little Clive is sent straight from heaven! I see a lot of newborns, and most of them I love to pieces and can’t get enough of. But that was especially true with Clive. I could not get enough of this sweet little baby. I would have loved so sneak him home with me.
Clive’s photo shoot was 2 days long. He was so restless and unhappy the first day. I tried all of my tricks but he was just having an off day. So I came back 2 days later and he was a total rockstar. He was so good that I got all the pictures I needed in just over an hour. I know his parents were relieved that things went smoother the second day. There is no way to guess how a newborn will behave, it is completely out of control. But there is also no need to worry because I have had two of my own so I know that sometimes kids behave badly at the most inopportune times. In the end it will all work out, just like it did with Clive.
I just love this sweet little baby and I am so excited to photograph him through his first year. It’s hard to believe but I am sure that he is going to get even more adorable as he gets older!
If you think Clive is just the cutest thing like I do, please leave him some love in the comments!