Earlier this spring we took an amazing southern California/ Disneyland vacation. We had a wonderful relaxing time together as our little family. As we were vacationing I had a lot of time to reflect. I spent a lot of time thinking about my work/life balance. I love my business and it is growing so fast. But I also love my family and my boys are also growing so fast. I love vacations, really who doesn’t. I am so relaxed and happy when we are on vacation. At home, sometimes not so much. So as we were at Disneyland riding the tea cups and my boys were giggling like crazy I made a conscious decision. I made the decision to have more fun everyday. I wish that we could just head on vacation every time I feel overwhelmed, but I can’t. So I have been trying to create more fun in our everyday life.
I will be honest, sometimes it is hard for me to forget all the things I need to do and just have fun. Sometimes there is guilt in leaving emails for later, dishes undone and clutter on the floor. But it is becoming easier and easier every time. And I am always so much happier after we’ve had some fun, go figure! I just keep reminding myself when my boys are grown they wont remember if the dishes were always done, but they will remember if we played together. So fun will trump dishes ever time!
A few weeks ago after a very busy Saturday with 3 shoots we went bowling! We had a great time but I think Logan’s favorite part was the blue light.He loved standing there having a “dance party”.
Bowling was followed by a little air hockey.
Last week we joined some friends at the beach for low tide. For some reason getting there on time was a little overwhelming but once we got there I was so glad I didn’t give up on going.
Crazy Boy! The water was FREEZING!
We took a fun weekend trip to Portland. We stayed in a hotel and visited our favorite friends.
These boys are obsessed with baby Harvey!
Here to more fun to be had this weekend!