
The Birthday party- The importance of putting someone else in charge of pictures

I have spent a lot of January waiting, waiting for a few little girls to be born.

Well, Saturday rolled around and none of them had been born in time for a Saturday newborn session. So that meant that I had the day off! My wonderful Husband let me sleep in, and after a relaxing breakfast we headed to a Birthday party. On the way out the door I saw my camera and thought, well you might as well grab it.

When we arrived at the cutest little party ever I was so grateful I had brought my camera. As I cruised around the party snapping party decorations and cute kids I realized how important it is to had the camera off, especially at a party. As the Mom was busy working on food and greeting guests I was capturing moments that would have otherwise been forgotten.  As a Mom I am totally guilty of hosting a party and then as people are leaving realizing that I have forgotten to take a single picture.

So hand off your camera, hire someone or call a friend who loves taking pictures. Having someone else in charge of picture taking allows you to relax and focus on other things. And you wont be angry at yourself at the end of the day for forgetting to get any pictures.

 Isn’t this party AMAZING?

 Sweet moments that would have been have otherwise been missed.

Happy Birthday sweet Audette!

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