
Twins Addison & Carter

I am beyond excited to share Addison and Carter’s newborn pictures!

When their Mom contacted me weeks ago about doing their newborn pictures I was over the moon excited. Everything was planned for their arrival and as twins often do, they arrived a little sooner than expected.

When their Mom called me on the morning of their shoot to tell me that the twins had had a horrible night I got a little nervous. We decided to give it a try and hope for the best. When I arrived at their home Leslie told my all about how they had “worked together for evil” all night long, taking turns being awake between feedings.

Sweet little Addy settled right into having her pictures taken. We joked about if she didn’t sleep the next night that they would just put her to sleep in a basket. Carter on the other hand wanted to remind us all the he still calls the shots around his house.

Addison and Carter are destined to be best friends. How lucky are they to be born with their best friend!

Sweet little Addy is so tiny! Weighing in at just over 4 lbs.!

To say this beautiful Mama has her hands full is an understatement!

Hi Mom! Yep, I’m still awake!

Sweet Dreams little babies, sweet dreams!

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